Past Claims

Our previous claims

We have built an upstanding reputation when it comes to solidifying and securing energy claims for our clients. We have a strong team of solicitors who are eager to begin the process for you! Here's what some of our clients from 2023 managed to claim back!


5 Months

A school in Yorkshire recovered £87.5K from a Supplier for the mis-sold Energy Contract where neither the Broker nor Supplier declared the commissions hidden. This took 5 months to settle.


1 Month

A Machinery Repair Shop in the North East recovered £27K from a mis-sold contract. This took 1 month to settle due to the previous admittance of liability from one renowned Supplier. The admittance was in a Letter to a different Client which is not protected by Legal Privilege nor was it private or confidential, and was not part of a Legal Claim, otherwise it would have been protected.


8 Months

A Care Home Group with 27 homes nationwide recovered £1.3M from two Suppliers for mis-sold contracts. These took 11 months to settle.

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